Premji Invest is allegedly in talks with Bengaluru-based omnichannel jewelry manufacturer Giva to raise about Rs 200 crore. The company is making this move in an effort to expand its market reach and fortify its offline presence. The agreement represents a critical turning point in Giva’s development trajectory and involves a secondary share sale by early angel investors. Giva’s 2023 fundraising round was originally headed by its current backer, Premji Invest.
Credits: Startup Insider
Valuation and Financial Performance
According to the planned investment, Giva is worth eight to 10 times its topline, or between Rs 2,500 and Rs 3,000 crore. At now, Giva’s monthly net sales amount to approximately Rs 25 crore, meaning that its yearly revenue run rate is Rs 300 crore. The company’s growth potential is attracting the interest of investors, despite its monthly losses of Rs 3.4–5 crore as a result of operating at a 10% EBITDA deficit. The company’s previous financing round, which was headed by Premji Invest in July 2023, valued the enterprise at Rs 1,411 crore.
Expanding Offline Presence
Giva plans to use the fresh capital from Premji Invest to continue opening exclusive stores. Currently, the company operates 110 stores, with plans to rival larger competitors like BlueStone and Titan’s CaratLane, which have 201 and 270-plus physical outlets, respectively.
Market Dynamics and Omnichannel Strategy
Brands in the high-end jewelry sector have found success with the omnichannel strategy. The ability to browse products online and then complete their purchases in-store, where they can inspect the products directly, is something that customers value. Rivals like BlueStone and CaratLane have benefited from this trend by concentrating on growing their physical presence in addition to their online sales platforms. This shift in the market is in line with Giva’s strategy, which positions it to attract a larger clientele.
Diversification and Revenue Growth
Giva began by specializing in reasonably priced silver jewelry, but it has now expanded to provide gold ornaments and lab-grown diamonds. With this growth, the business can now serve a larger clientele with a range of budgets and tastes. Giva’s varied product approach proved to be effective as seen by its operational revenue, which increased by 97% to Rs 165 crore in FY23. Comparatively, BlueStone’s operating revenue climbed by 67% to Rs 771 crore in the same fiscal year, while CaratLane reported a turnover of Rs 2,177 crore. With a 54% increase in EBIT to Rs 195 crore, CaratLane’s revenues increased even further to Rs 2,930 crore in FY24.
Investment and Growth Trajectory
Until 2023, Giva had raised a total of $50 million from prominent investors, including Premji Invest, Aditya Birla Ventures, A91 Partners, India Quotient, and Titan Capital. The current discussions for an additional Rs 200 crore investment from Premji Invest highlight the confidence of existing investors in Giva’s growth potential and business model. This infusion of capital is expected to accelerate Giva’s expansion plans, enhancing its competitive position in the market.
Potential Impact
Premji Invest’s possible investment might have a big effect on Giva’s expansion and placement in the market. First off, Giva will be able to expand its offline store more quickly thanks to the extra funding, which will improve its omnichannel presence and consumer base. Second, the increased valuation demonstrates the confidence that investors have in Giva’s business plan and future growth potential, which may draw in additional funding in the future. Thirdly, Giva will eventually be able to achieve positive EBITDA since its expanded offline presence and varied product offering will probably result in larger sales volumes and improved profitability.
Giva is taking a calculated risk by talking to Premji Invest about raising Rs 200 crore to support its offline operations and increase its market share. Giva is in an excellent position to take on bigger competitors in the jewelry sector thanks to its robust omnichannel strategy, broad product offers, and high development trajectory. The new funding will be essential to Giva’s expansion and accomplishment of its long-term goals.